Water Filters

Wellsys offers a full line of standard and specialty filters. Below is Wellsys’ most comprehensive filtration offering.

Learn About The Process

Sediment Filter

The 1st filter is a 10 micron filter, which reduces sediment such as rust, dust, clay and pipe residue.

Pre-carbon Filter

The 2nd filter is a pre carbon filter to reduce chemicals such as chlorine, solvents, pesticides and various organic compounds.

Reverse Osmosis Membrane

Option 1: Reverse Osmosis purification uses a state-of-the-art 0.0001 micron membrane to reduce metals, arsenic, pharmaceuticals, lead, mercury and other solids.

Ultra Fine Membrane

Option 2: Ultrafiltration uses a highly advanced .05 micron membrane that reduces metals, arsenic, pharmaceuticals, lead, mercury and other solids.

Restores/Adds Minerals & Electrolytes

More than 20 minerals and electrolytes are added.

Enhances Alkalinity

Water is enhanced with minerals to increase alkalinity.

Re-mineralizes Water

More than 20 minerals and electrolytes are added.

Final Polishing Filter

Water passes through a Post Carbon Filter with sediment polishing for improved taste.